
Anonymous Me

I decided to create a page/blog that is really just a starting point for a blog that….we’ll it is really just for my thoughts; and if people want to read them they can. There is no real theme or meaning behind it, just a lot to do about nothing and the thoughts that roll through my head.

Check out my other blog at Dreamsandmadness.blog. it is a collection of my poetry, flash fiction, free writing, stories and series stories.

Blog Posts


What is the legacy you want to leave behind? The legacy I want to leave behind is pretty simple. I just want to be remembered as a good guy that was easy going and loved/cared for his friends and family.

My Meditation-Daily

Afternoon Practice-Healthy Minds (Open Awareness) In this practice I used a new app I downloaded called Healthy Minds. It was a guided practice that allowed you to just observe things around you; any thoughts, feelings or body sensations and just let them be. There was no need to change them or try to control them.…