
What are you passionate about?

I have a lot of passions from poetry to photography and other art forms in between with is why I think I’m most passionate about personal freedom.

Don’t get me wrong I think there needs to be some rules but if what you enjoy isn’t hurting other people and doesn’t infringe on their rights I think you should be allowed to do whatever makes you happy. It bothers me when the government feels as though it has to have some kind of control over you because it doesn’t fit into the social norm or the popular opinion, so they create some law to make it illegal.

I’m always afraid when we start attacking personal freedoms that it will lead into things like censorship…book burnings is the first thing that comes to mind. Once the government starts determine what you can or can’t do it is a far road to what you can or can’t see, read or create.

Alright I’m off my soap box…but I’m very passionate about personal freedom.

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